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Community Relationships

Every day, we find ourselves actively engaged in crowds. There are all kinds of crowds. There’ s the work crowd, the school crowd, the crowd associated with the activities of our children and there is the church crowd. It is easy to confuse our associations within these crowds with the experience of authentic community. Crowds are pseudo-communities, including church crowds, where relationships are experienced at the superficial level. Crowds are drawn together by activities, rather than to seek accountability and deeper meaning in our life. Every crowd is defined by activities that draw us together. Think of the Pride crowds, Jazz Fest crowds, the Saints or Hornets crowds. You come together on the basis of those activities.- as a community priest I go to the crowds in the town bars/clubs... Nothing wrong with that! ...... Swindon Old Catholic Church really is a Church for the community. 



The Old Catholic Apostolic Church Swindon

Ancient in Faith, Modern in Vision

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